
General conditions and terms of Translations4you:

  1. Scope of application

    The following conditions apply for the complete business relationship with the customer unless anything else has been expressively agreed or indispensably provided by law. The customer agrees to them for the present contract as well as all future businesses. Discrepancies of these conditions, complementary subcontracts or agreements are subject to written form or the expressive written confirmation.

  2. Scope of supply and services and delivery dates

    Translations are produced according to the principles of regular exercise of profession to the best of my knowledge and belief.

    If no special instructions or documents are presented, technical terms are translated into the generally usual, lexicographically justifiable or generally understandable target language version.

    The customer is obliged to place at the translator's disposal unsolicitedly and on time all information and documents necessary for the translation.

    The classification of the level of difficulty of the text is entirely up to the translator.

    The translator is not liable for missed deadlines due to force majeure or circumstances to be justified by the customer. The delivery deadline is considered kept if the translation is sent by its expiry (by email, post or courier).

    If no other way of dispatch is requested, the agreed version of the translation will be sent as a file by email.

  3. Liability
    1. The translator is only liable in case of gross negligence and intention.

      The translator reserves the right to correction of faults.

      The customer is obliged to rebuke possible errors within five days upon receipt in written form. The error is to be described in detail. In this case the translator is granted the possibility to correction. In case of a failed correction the customer is entitled to a reduction of price or rescission of contract. Further claims and claims of compensation are expressively excluded. In any case, the amount of liability is limited to the value of the respective order. The translator is not liable for translation errors caused because of wrong or incomplete information of the customer or because of the customer having handed over incomplete or illegible documents.

      If the customer does not indicate the purpose of use of the translation, he cannot call for compensation of damages caused because the text should prove inappropriate for the intended purpose.

      If the translation is intended for being printed the customer is obliged to let the translator have a proof punctually before print start. If he fails, any claims of a translation error are excluded.

      If the translator is put in a claim due to his translation because of a breach of copyright or the like, the customer completely exempts the translator from any liability. If no complaint with due notice is submitted, the translation is considered free of errors.

    2. The translator is not responsible for damages caused because of network or server errors. He is not either liable if for an important reason his online service is completely or partly stopped for a certain time. In these cases the execution time for the order will be prolonged accordingly.

      The translator is not either responsible for damages caused due to a computer virus (malicious computer programs). If files are delivered by e-mail or any other tele transfer the customer is responsible for the final verification of files and texts transferred. Claims of compensation regarding this are excluded.

  4. Professional secrecy

    The translator is obliged to maintain strict silence on all matters becoming known to him together with the activity for the customer.

  5. Conditions of payment

    The professional fee for the translator is payable without deduction of any discount within a fortnight upon invoice date.

    In case of large-scale translation orders the translator reserves the right to call for advance payment of an appropriate amount or corresponding payments in case of contemporaneous services.

    If a placed order is cancelled, costs arisen by the cancellation have to be paid and the remuneration of translation parts already made up until the time of cancellation or the time involved for services already produced must be paid.

  6. Execution by third parties

    In the interest of the customer and of the translator the translator reserves the right to execution of all businesses by third parties. These are carefully chosen according to focus of subject. The contact between customer and a third party chosen by the translator is only allowed after agreement of the translator.

  7. Reservation of title

    The translation remains property of the translator until the complete payment. Until then the customer has no right of use.

  8. Applicable right

    The order and all claims resulting from it are subject to German law. Place of performance and legal domicile is Herford.

11 May 2004